THE LIGHTLESS Character Profiles #4: Riya Nnamani
Twenty-nine, Riya had been a part of the Refulgency for eight years. Before finding her way to them, and to Sorrowville, she was the singer in a local band in Achemin called the Mist Lifts. She grew up in the foster system, jumping from parental guardian to parental guardian, as her behavior could be described best as ‘out of control’. Being in the system was hard on her, though she rarely admitted this to anyone, instead preferring to express her feelings through her music. Once old enough to live on her own, she did so without hesitation, but that life was just as hard and unfulfilling, as she could hardly afford to help pay her portion of rent, often leaving her roommates (her bandmates) down, and in the process losing them as friends, and putting a strain on the band. Performing in a local park in one night, her show was interrupted by a pack of Regalriders—39ft long Urbane Plumes, which were herbivorous Leviathans with duck-bill-like mouths, four long longs, a thick, raised back and tail, and striking black stripes and speckles contrasting their grey, green, and tan coloration. While not actively menacing to humans, these misplaced, frightened animals could do significant damage as they fled their way through the Leviathan Free Zone. Riya was beside herself as this hearty, terrified pack crashed her concert, scattering the audience, and crashing through picnic tables and concession stands. However, to everyone’s relief, a squad of Star-Shapers weren’t far behind them, galloping after the Leviathans on horses, their lights reaching over the area in front of the stage. Riya hadn’t seen many Shapers in her twenty-one years, and definitely hadn’t seen them in active pursuit of Leviathans, so her rage at her concert being ruined was shoved aside by complete awe and wonder. Their lights were warm, nearly hot, but more beautiful and comforting than the brightest, warmest summer day, and Riya’s eyes sparkled as they rode past the stage. She watched as one of the Shapers, a woman with long red hair and burned skin rode in front of the Regalriders, leapt off her horse, and single-handedly calmed the wayward pack without saying or doing anything. The Leviathans calmed, and the Shaper was even able to stroke a few of their noses, while the other Shapers began to corral them away from the park. The scattered audience cheered, and Riya found herself drawing off the extra adrenaline, while also feeling jealous that these Shapers had stolen the spotlight from her. She left the stage, approaching the red-haired Shaper, and hitting her with question after question. The woman called herself L.E., and she said she was sorry for ruining the concert, but that she was a fan, and thought Riya’s music was really good. Riya asked how the woman was able to calm the Leviathans, and L.E. told her that Shapers could beguile animals, at the cost of a few years off their life. Riya’s mind spun with the information, and she asked L.E. where they were from, to which L.E. replied they were from Sorrowville, and were called the Refulgency. The Mist Lifts were a good band, but Riya had been the only serious one in the group for some time now, as gigs were hard to get, and getting paid was even harder. She had been wanting a fresh start, and her home life wasn’t exactly helping her feel any better about her life slowly unraveling. Joining a new band was a hard process, and it was never guaranteed that it would be a lateral move. L.E. could see in the young woman’s eyes that she had caught the Shaper ‘bug’, and recognized a stray lamb when she saw one, someone who hadn’t quite figured out where they belonged in Unfeasted. Well, it was L.E.’s job to help just such people find their place.
The Refulgency
Leaving everything and everyone behind, Riya joined the Shapers that had crashed her concert, leaving with them for Sorrowville. Leviathans had always fascinated her, and to get the chance to not only see more, but to help get them back where they belonged, it was a new thrill and passion that could rival her pursuit of a music career. After extensive training by L.E. and other Shapers, Riya was made ready to join the Refulgency on missions out in the field like the one she had witnessed in the park. A few months later and she was permitted to undergo the Shaper ritual, becoming a Shaper herself. L.E. knew she was a standout from the moment they met, she had a terrific ability to see into people’s eyes, through to their souls, their ambitions, without so much as a word being exchanged. Riya took up woodcarving, making herself a mask shaped like a dog’s face, which she would wear on every mission she was involved in (she had always loved dogs, and any animals in general). Riya would continue singing, though wouldn’t join back with a band, instead offering her talents to the Refulgency, and gifting Sorrowville with her beautiful, powerful voice, as she wrote songs for herself and for them, instead of for a band and for paying (often indifferent) audience members. Appreciated and more fulfilled than ever, Riya had at last found where she belonged, and her only regret was not finding it much sooner.
Riya with her dog mask and traditional Shaper clothing, after joining the Refulgency
Jomo Nnamani
Not only had Riya found her home, friends that quickly became family, but she also eventually found the love of her life here as well. Jomo came to the Refulgency, another lamb added to the flock, just as everyone in the Refulgency did, seeking change in their lives, a place where they could do good and feel good doing it. As soon as their eyes met, their hearts beat in sync. Riya’s love life was non-existent, as she generally didn’t enjoy being touched, something she had developed after being assaulted by a previous boyfriend. But she could tell there was something different about Jomo, he didn’t have a sliver of darkness inside of him, his eyes were honest, his touch gentle, compassionate above all else. Riya had never envisioned herself being married and certainly never thought she would find the right person to have a child with, and still sometimes she looks at the amazing life she has been given and cannot believe how fortunate she is. Helping people is her passion, motherhood is her calling, and her singing is the soundtrack to a life that could have (and some would say should have) gone down a much darker path, but proved that statistics are not always iron-clad, and that it is never too late to improve your life, to take risks, and to open yourself back up after years of being walled off and distanced from your true emotions.