Sprout Leigh and Jace Rayne Berryman
May 4th 2024
I got Sprout as a puppy from an adoption agency in Nashville when she was three months, and she’s a pit mix. She’s gone from being a spritely handful that chewed up my apartment and broke out of her kennels while I was at work, to two handfuls of a crotchety little elderly dog that is my entire world. Her name was Sprout when I got her, and just couldn’t think of any better name than that, she was and is to this day my Sproutly girl.
Jace I got from a pound while I was living in Knoxville in March of 2020 when he was nine months, and he is some mix of Staffordshire Terrier. As a puppy, he was a wrecking ball of energy and affection, and still is, and he has become not only my best friend, but Sprout’s as well. He is named after one of the main characters in THE LIGHTLESS, Jace Rayne Carver.
We’ve been through our fair share of tragedy and pain (mostly Sprout), and it’s not always instagram perfect, blissful pictures of harmony and fun, but it’s our life, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Both of them are my ESAs.